Vaylax - Energy Services

Comprehensive Services for development,
implementation and operation of hybrid
energy systems and micro grids

Industry Grade Electricity Security

Hybrid and Microgrid Energy Solutions

Monitoring & Power Mangement Solutions

"The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes
around wearing overalls looking like hard work." - Thomas A. Edison

Welcome to Vaylax Group!

The history of Vaylax Group goes back to 2001, when we formed our first solar project development company. Having made experiences in various parts of the solar industry value chain, Vaylax Group today represents several decades of first hand expertise and knowledge.

Projects with more than 300MWp generation capacity have been developed. The first project had been commissioned in 2003. After more than half of its target life time, it is still exceeding its annual average projected yield.

Reliability and transparency are the core principles to achieve operational excellence and with that, investors trust and appreciation. We do have tools and processes in place to prevent engineering mistakes and enable early detection of potential implementation failures. This will keep future down times to a minimum and therefore guarantee high returns, which is of essence for a successful project development and implementation.

 News & Information


  • Vaylax GmbH
    Hochschulstr. 44
    01069 Dresden, Germany

    P: +49 160 949 06137
    F: +49 160 949 06137

  • Vaylax AP Ltd.
    8/F, K.Wah Centre
    191 Java Road
    North Point, Hong Kong

    P: +852 2578 6278
    F: +852 2516 9546